Body Cavities - Massage Connection

 Body Cavities

Although massage is given on the surface of the body, it affects the structures located deep inside the body. If an imaginary cut is made in the sagittal plane to look inside the body, many confined spaces or body cavities containing the organs will be seen (see Figure 1.9). Posteriorly, the brain and the spinal cord lie in the cranial and vertebral, or spinal cavities, respec-tively. The cranial and vertebral cavities are continu-ous with each other.

Anteriorly, in the chest, is the thoracic cavity. In-side the thoracic cavity, the two lungs lie in the pleural cavity and the heart lies in the pericardial cavity. The thoracic cavity is separated from the ab-dominopelvic cavity below by the diaphragm. This cavity extends from the diaphragm into the pelvis. The abdominopelvic cavity can be divided into the abdominal and the pelvic cavity. The major organsin the abdominal cavity are the liver, gallbladder, stomach, small and large intestines, pancreas, kid-neys, and spleen. The uterus (in women), the urinary bladder, and the lower part of the large intestines are some organs that lie in the pelvic cavity.


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